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Harm Reducation

Naloxone (brand name Narcan) is a nasal inhalant that can reverse the effect of an opioid overdose. 

Opioid overdose events where naloxone is administered are reversed at rates between 83-100%. Naloxone is not harmful if given and there is no opioid overdose event happening.  It can be used safely to on all ages. 

Opioid overdoses can be purposeful or accidental, but can be reversed by using naloxone.   Opioid overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the US. Opioids are drugs, prescription opioids are commonly used as pain relievers (codeine, morphine, tramadol, hydrocodone, oxycodone), and recreationally (heroine, fentanyl).  

Narcan can be used for those who need it:

  • If you use opioids, including if you have a prescription
  • You have children in the home, in case they accidentally took a medication they should not have
  • For older adults who may accidentally forget taking a dose and taking another too soon 

Be prepared to recognize an opioid emergency.  Watch for these signs and symptoms: 

  • Unusual sleepiness or unresponsiveness
  • Breathing will be slow or absent
  • Slow heartbeat or low blood pressure
  • Pupils are tiny
  • Skin feels cold or clammy
  • Nails and lips are blue 

Watch a quick video on how to administer naloxone: Worlds Fastest Naloxone Training 

After administering naloxone, call 911 and wait with the person until EMS arrives. 

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that are developed in a lab and is much stronger than other types of opioids.  It's becoming increasingly common for drugs to be cut with fentanyl without the user's knowledge, leading to accidental overdoses.  Strips can be used for medications and illicit drugs. 

How to use fentanyl testing strips

  1. If the substance is powder, mix in a little water in a clean container. If the substance is a pill, crush or scrape some pill into a clean container and add water. Mix well.  If the substance is liquid, no need to add water, just add to a clean container
  2. Remove strip from foil wrapper and immerse strip into dissolved substance. Keep in for a minimum of 15 seconds.
  3. Lay on a flat, non-absorptive clean surface. 
  4. Read results after 3-5 minutes.  After 5 minutes, do not read results
    1. Negative: two lines appear 
    2. Positive: one line appears
    3. If no line appeared, test was a failure, try again. 


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Offers services to anyone engaging in drug use to have access to information, supplies and support cruicial to making informed, voluntary decisions about their lives and their health.  Including naloxone distribution, harm reducation supplies, safer sex supplies, pregnancy tests, wound care, referrals, peer education, overdose prevention training, sharps bins and more. 

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